ComEl 2025

International PhD School on
Computational Electromagnetism

Naples, June 22, 2025
Hotel Royal Continental

ComEl 2025 is an international PhD school on the resolution of Low-Frequency electromagnetic problems, both direct and inverse ones. The school aims to present some of the most recent advancements in the numerical methods, together with a solid background on the best formulations to cast the Maxwell equations, and is directed to PhD students in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering.
The School is sponsored by the Italy Chapter of IEEE Magnetic Society, and by the PhD school of Industrial and Information Engineering at the University of Campania «Luigi Vanvitelli»

The school is organized in three seminars, on the following topics:
  1. Potential formulations: old and new results (Prof. Oszkar Biro);
  2. Open Problems in Computational Electromagnetics, Optimal Design and Machine Learning Applications (Prof. Hajime Igarashi);
  3. New Perspectives in the Finite Element Method(Prof. Alessandro Russo).
The lecturers are professors from either math or engineering disciplines, proficient in the area of numerical modeling of electromagnetic fields. Each seminar takes 2 hours and is organized in a theoretical part in the morning session and a practical section in the afternoon.

The lecturers are professors from either math or engineering disciplines, proficient in the area of numerical modelling of electromagnetic fields. You can click on their names for a short CV. Each seminar takes 2 hours and is organized in a theoretical part in the morning session and a practical section in the afternoon.

The participation to the school is free to all PhD students, after presenting a letter from their advisor.
Interested PhD students are invited to enroll by sending an email to The number of available positions is limited to 25. Lodging expenses are not covered.
Contact Prof. Alessandro Formisano for further details.